Human extinction weapon means no peace, no safety

Strongly denounces "hydrogen bomb testing of North Korea"

The Chosun Central Broadcasting of North Korea claimed through a special major report that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test on 6 January. It is the 4th nuclear test. This time, the North Korea announced that it was hydrogen bomb, a more powerful weapon. The success of the test has yet to be confirmed but the North Korea clearly expressed its will to keep the regime with human extinction weapons by this test. It is very sad and miserable that North Korea relies on threatening not only the Korean Peninsula but also international society with mass destruction development in order to keep its regime. PSPD strongly denounces nuclear test of North Korea endangering the peace and the safety of whole Korean peninsula.


The North Korean government absurdly insists that a test is an arbitrary measure to secure the peace and the safety of the peninsula and the region. However, no state has the right to possess and test inhuman nuclear which is mass destructive and unlawful. As seen in the nuclear history, its development in the name of nuclear deterrence simply has accelerated nuclear race and endangered the peace and the security of human races. Without exception, nuclear tests of North Korea put the region in jeopardy and increase the probability of breakout of nuclear war.
In addition, we should question whether our current government has put diplomatic efforts and played a role to resolve nuclear matters of North Korea while the situation is getting worse up today. The government keeps saying nuclear of North Korea is a threat but it has failed to suggest a realistic measure to stop it. It has insisted and sustained that hostile disregard, sanctions and oppressions could deter but they haven’t worked out. Moreover, the argument that funding North Korea of past governments was led to nuclear development proves to be unpersuasive. The government easily mentions sanctions against North Korea but there is no good measure in fact. 


Serious situation of nuclear tests of North Korea suggests that radical discussions are required to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula even if it is difficult. In other words, the Korean government and states in concerns should stop repeating current policies which have failed and urgently resume six party talk for the purpose of denuclearization of Northeast Asia.