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Launch of GPPAC Publication 

Perspectives on Peace and Security in a Changing Northeast Asia - Voices from Civil Society and the Ulaanbaatar Process


This publication was created by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict Northeast Asia (GPPAC-NEA) and the Mongolian NGO Blue Banner — together the conveners of the Ulaanbaatar Process, a civil society led dialogue for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and in the broader Northeast Asian region.


Communication and coordination with contributors and the co-conveners was carried out by GPPAC Northeast Asia Regional Liaison Officer Meri Joyce of Peace Boat, under the guidance of Ambassador Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan, Chairman of GPPAC’s Focal Point in Ulaanbaatar, the Mongolian NGO Blue Banner.


Dozens of people were involved in the preparation and realization of this project. We would like to sincerely thank all the members of organizations represented in this publication who contributed, including not only the authors but also the many other colleagues and friends behind the scenes who supported with translation, research, communication and more.


This publication would not have been possible without the dedicated commitment of editor Anjeli Narandran, who went beyond requests and beyond time zones to collaborate in the process of bringing all of these important contributions together into this volume.


And finally, the organizers would like to dedicate this publication to the late Mr Galsanjamts Sereeter. As a Member of the Governing Council of Blue Banner, Galsanjamts played a crucial role in the development of GPPAC’s work in Northeast Asia and particularly in the Ulaanbaatar Process over the past years. His helpful nature and cheerful demeanor were a great support and delight to all, and he will be dearly missed.


Articles of the printed publication are made available online at https://medium.com/perspectives-on-peace-and-security-in-a-changing" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/perspectives-on-peace-and-security-in-a-changing


Perpectives on Peace and Security in a Changing Northeast Asia - Voices from Civil Society and the Ulaanbaatar Process




https://medium.com/perspectives-on-peace-and-security-in-a-changing/intr... target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Introduction 

https://medium.com/perspectives-on-peace-and-security-in-a-changing/ackn... target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Acknowledgement


CHAPTER 1 : Changing Dynamics in Northeast Asia - The New US - DPRK Relationshp and its Impact 


CHAPTER 2 : The Path Towards Denuclearization of Northeast Asia

  • Kawasaki Akira (Peace Boat / International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) - The Nuclear Ban Treaty : The Path Forward for North Korea, South Korea, Japan and the Region
  • Jargalsaikhan Enkhsaikhan (Blue Banner) - Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Northeast Asia 
  • Anastasia O. Barammikova (Maritime State University Vladivostock ) - The Nuclear Status of the DPRK and The New Regional Order 


CHAPTER 3 : Making a Habit of Dialogue - The Role of Civil Society 

  • Kathy R. Matsui (Seisen University) - The Role of Civil Society in the Northeast Asian Security and Peace Dialogue : Processes and Mechanisms for Reconciliation 
  • Okumoto Kyoko and Lee Jae Young (Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuiliding Institute) - Training Peacebuilders for the Region : Experiments of Notheast Asia Regional Peqcebuildng Institute 
  • Akibayashi Kozue (Doshisha Univetsity / Women's Internatioanl League for Peace and Freedom) - A Feminist Perspective on Peace and Security om Northeast Asia
  • Kim Jeongsoo (Women Peace Making) - South Korean Women's Efforsts and Activities Towards Peace on the Korean Peninsula : Trust-buding with North Korean Women 
  • Darynell Rodriguez Torres (Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict) - Making the most out of dialogue 

Contributor Biographies 



For more information about the Ulaanbaatar Process, please visit the GPPAC Northeast Asia as well as Facebook page  https://www.peaceportal.org/web/ulaanbaatar-process/home


For more information on GPPAC, please visit http://www.gppac.net/