Youth Life Can Be Better

#Youth Policy #Hiring Irregularities #Burden of Education #Student Loan #Right of Artistic Freelancer #Feminism


Hiring Irregularities and Student Loans, Which Make Youth Mourn, is Changed by the PSPD Youth Council

Since 2000, there has been a steady rise in housing poverty rates for single-person households in Seoul, with debt for people under 20 having proportionally higher increases compared to other generations. In order to improve the unequal and unstable lives of young people, the PSPD Youth Council responded to the issue of hiring irregularities and the government's new support for youth employment activities. The PSPD Youth Council also submitted the petition for the youth who were affected by the hiring scandal of Kangwon Land and worked with other youth groups in condemning the financial sector for its hiring irregularities. In 2018, the PSPD Youth Council led an active effort to ease the cost of education for young people, which led to the abolishment of entrance fees and fees for student status extensions in universities. It was followed by a campaign to encourage the introduction of interest-free student loans. Furthermore, the PSPD Youth Council worked in conjunction with the Fair Trade Commission of Lezhin Comics to promote and improve the rights of web content freelancers, most of whom are women, by carrying out reports and protest rallies against the unfair treatment by Lezhin Comics. The PSPD Youth Council also worked to urge the National Assembly to proceed with discussions in enacting a basic law for young people, in order to resolve the youth issues as soon as possible.


#WithYou Answers the World of #MeToo  

The #MeToo movement was the largest social movement in 2018. There was a surge in resistance among the oppressed and hurt women in the cultural, political, and social aspects of the male-dominated society, and with these women, there was a greater demand for gender equality than ever before. The PSPD Youth Council also carried out various solidarity activities and campaigns in response to issues of women and gender equality. In solidarity with the #MeToo movement, the PSPD Youth Council held a 2-semester learning course during the year on improving gender understanding. Furthermore, the PSPD Youth Council conducted many activities and campaigns to urge the National Institute of the Korean Language to remove Section 2 of the definition for “Feminist.”


It's Okay to Live Differently, Young Public Interest Activists School.

Twice a year, the PSPD conducts the “Youth Public Interest Activist School,” where young people can discuss and learn about Korean societal and youth issues. In 2018, around 50 young people met for six-week sessions in summer and winter to experience and learn together about civil society and public interest activities.


Major activities

  • 01, 08 Youth Public Interest Activist School(21st and 22nd) 
  • 3/8 [Petition] Signature-seeking petition campaign urging for the removal and/or redefinition of Section 2 of the definition of “feminism” in the National Institute of the Korean Language 
  • 3/21 [Press Conference] “Leave Politics to the Youth and Young Adults Now!” Lower the filing fee and voting age (Youth Action for Political Reform)
  • 04, 09 [Lecture] April: “#MeToo is Not a New Concept” / Sept.: “There is No Number of Genders in Human Rights”
  • 10/12 [Panel discussion] 2018 Korean Society Forum: REFRESH Youth Policies and Basic Law for the Youth
  • 11/21 [Campaign] “Did You Get a Student Loan? Please Take Part in Our Survey!”
  • 12/14 [Press Conference] 1,402 Victimized Youth and Civilians: Petitioned to Prosecutor’s Office for Recognition and Reprimand for Kangwon Land Employment Scandal Case
  • 12/6 [Rally/Indictment] Joint rally condemning the copyright exploitation by former CEO of Lezhin Comics and calling for prevention measures for reoccurrence of unfair practices in the webtoon industry; the launch of the “Lezhinstance” Campaign Group