People Power 2017

This month of PSPD



December has already come. Though winter is cold, I believe that you have lots of warm memories for this year. A former president Park Geun-hye, a culprit of monopolizing national administration has been arrested by the power of a great civil candle revolution and Lee Jae-yong, a vice chairman of Samsung is in prison after being sentenced for 5 years at the first trial. Cleaning out deep-rooted evils and corruptions are in process and still there are many things to be done since conservative and privileged people in power systematically disturb the process.

Nevertheless, we have to keep walking the long path towards righteous and fair society bravely and decisively.

PSPD will do the best even on the last day of the year.



Discussion held in respect to the 4th and the last recommendation of UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to Korean government


UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has conducted deliberation and given the 4th and the last recommendation to Korean government on 9 October. It has been in 8 years since the last recommendation was made in 2009. It is very meaningful in a sense that the committee inspected status of Korea and provided specific measures for improvement. Hence, a forum <Significance and measures to realize recommendations of UN CESCR> was held on 20 November at the National Assembly by National Human Rights Commission of Korea which have involved in deliberation process and ‘NGO groups to respond to UN CESCR’s recommendations’.



Court supported PSPD’s appeal and ordered the police to compensate for interrupting Sewol Ferry memorial march

In April 2015, PSPD has taken a legal action against the police for damage and compensation in regard to giving unlawful order to dismiss the memorial march which was held to remember the 1st year of Sewol Ferry disaster. Seoul Central District Court upheld PSPD’s appeal confirming the ruling of the first trial on 22 November and decided compensation of 300,000won each to 22 activists and executives of PSPD. It said, even though a part of march took place not in the course reported in advance, it does not make the whole march illegal. It is the confirmation of leading cases of the first trial and supreme court that the police was not supposed to order dismissal as far as march has neither direct threat or/and harm to other’s benefit, nor protection of the law or/and public order and safety. The police should not waste judicial resources by appealing but admit its responsibility. Furthermore, some alterations must be allowed and accepted in terms of march route and hours different from what are being reported in advance so that rallies and marches do not get interrupted or unfairly dismissed.



Urge Paris Baguette to hire bakers directly


Recently, it became a big issue that Paris Baguette has employed more than 5,000 bakers at business outlets nationwide in the form of illegal dispatch. Labor and Social Committee of PSPD is actively participating in a solidarity of more than 60 organizations <Civil and social committee to settle down Paris Baguette’s illegal dispatch and to secure labor rights of the youth labor> and urging Paris Baguette headquarter to accept direct employment measure of the Ministry of Employment and Labor as soon as possible.



Who owns DAS? Corruptions and allegations on a former president Lee Myung-bak must be investigated promptly

People are paying attention closely to corruptions and illegal conducts of a former president Lee myung-bak including DAS scandal. There are various allegations from political manipulation carried out by National Intelligent Service and cyber commander of the Army to serious economic crimes such as tax evasion, embezzlement and breach of trust. 


In particular, a special prosecutor Jeong Ho-young has confirmed that borrowed-name accounts are belong to DAS. As Article 5 of Real Name Financial Transaction Act states, all deposits in those accounts are assets not under real name so that interests and dividend income were supposed to be taxed at the rate of 99% including local tax. If weren’t, it still can be done now. Furthermore concealing offshore accounts are connected with following violations and crimes in general. ▲ Tax evasion under「Punishment of Tax Offences Act」▲ Violation of obligation to report overseas financial accounts under「Adjustment of International Taxes」 ▲ Violation of obligation to report foreign currency transaction under「Foreign Exchange Transactions Act」 ▲ Tax evasion under「Aggravated Punishment on Specific Crimes Act」 ▲ Flight domestic property under「Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes Act」 and 「Act on the prevention of Flight of Domestic Property ▲ Accepting and Concealing criminal property under「Regulation and Punishment of Criminal Property Concealment」. PSPD has been shocked by endless list while listing up allegations on MB related financial allegations. Therefore, PSPD urges authorities for comprehensive and complete investigation including prosecutors, National Tax Service, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Financial Service Commission and Financial Supervisory Service.  


Preparatory Committee for Civil Peace Court to find the truth of civilian massacre by Korean military during Vietnam War


A press conference to establish preparatory committee for <Civil Peace Court to find the truth on civilian massacre by Korean military during Vietnam War> was held on 21 November at the Press Center. The Committee pointed out that in spite of allegation has been raised for the last 20 years that Korean soldiers killed civilian, there have been no measures taken to find facts followed by responsible actions. It also explained the plan to hold civil peace court in Seoul next April when the massacre becomes 50th year in order to bring the issue to the public and clarify legal responsibility of Korean government.


At the Civil Peace Court, plaintiffs would be civilians killed or hurt by Korea soldiers during Vietnam War and their bereaved families. Defendant would be Korea in the form of reparation by the state. Holing a court is expected to result followings. Strict standard (facts) will be applied to judge civilian slaughter and the value of the peace will be spread out through recalling true faces of Vietnam War which is regarded as the most unjust war in the late 20th Century (Peace). Admitting misconducts, giving sincere apology and taking all responsibilities (Honor) would make people to think about mature Korean Society. As Korea asks Japan to take legal responsibility concerning sex slaves for Japanese Army, Korea has to admit its faults and make an apology.


10th anniversary event for ‘School of youth activists for public interest’ 

It has been ten years since ‘School of Youth Activists for public interest’ started by youth intern program in 2008. 412 young people have participated in the youth intern program and the activist school (20 sessions in total), and more are waiting to participate this winter. It was great to see graduates at the anniversary event on 25 November.



Prosecutors demand severe punishment for 22 activists of 2016 General Election Network at the first trial for violating the Election Law.

Prosecutors demand from eight-month term in prison to fine of one to five million won to 22 activists of 2016 General Election Civil Network (Net) at the final trial of the first court on 20 November. National Election Commission reported the Net for violating the Election Law and Prosecutors and the Police excessively seized and searched office and houses on 12 April last year, just one day before 4.13 General Election. Now, they even demand severe punishment for simple participants. Obviously, it is an intention to give pressure to civil society which tried to increase rights of voters and also abuse of authority to oppress people who criticize power holders.


Saenuri party, a ruling power at that time politically offended the Net insisting power behind the curtain and impure political conspiracy. However, it has been revealed that the Blue House mobilized and systematically supported conservative groups and got them to move against rallies and candidates of opposition party in order for them to lose at the General Election. Because the Net carried out voters movements and campaign ‘Don’t vote him/her’ completely by its free will and for the public interests, Park Geun-hye and Saenuri Party did not like how it worked and targeted it. The court should rule that the Net is innocence since their activities had abided the law. Moreover, National Assembly’s special committee for political reform must abolish toxic articles such as article 90 and 93 of the Election Law and slanders against candidates.