A coalition of South Korean civil society groups has launched Korea Beyond Coal to press the government and companies to phase out coal power plants by 2030. South Korea currently has 80 operating coal units, which currently provide about 40 per cent of the country’s electricity, and a further seven units are under construction. South Korea imported an estimated 99 million tonnes of thermal coal in 2019, making it the world’s fourth largest thermal coal importer.

A spokesperson for the Korea Federation for Environmental Movements, Lee Ji-eon, said the government’s current energy plan is to allow existing plants to operate for up to 30 more years. On the same day of the launch of Korea Beyond Coal, South Korea’s President, Moon Jae-in, announced a further 20 coal plants would be shut down by 2034 in addition to the 10 slated for closure by the end of 2022.


http://beyondcoal.kr/en/41_en/20" data-og-url="http://beyondcoal.kr/en/41_en/20" data-og-image="https://scrap.kakaocdn.net/dn/bq4eEe/hyH3ICASwY/qzQ1Kw286Al8hBJUXKhbek/…">


[Press release] World’s largest campaign to shut polluting coal power launched in S. Korea on UN Blue Skies day > [영문] New

[Press Release] World’s largest campaign to shut polluting coal power launched in S. Korea on UN Blu…
