27일 삼성물산이 석탄 관련 신규 투자와 사업을 중단하기로 결정했다는 소식이다. 석탄발전소 시공사이자 비 금융기관으로서 최초의 탈석탄 선언이다. 하지만 이번 결정은 삼성물산이 현재 건설 중인 강릉 안인화력과 최근 참여를 결정한 붕앙2 석탄발전 사업은 포기하지 않겠다는 선언이기도 하다.

Samsung C&T Corp. will finish two more coal projects before exiting the sector. Construction of the two ventures, the Gangneung facility in South Korea and the Vung Ang 2 project in Vietnam, are scheduled to be completed in 2023 and 2024, respectively. The pledge to exit the coal industry is “unprecedented” for a non-financial firm in South Korea, the company said in a statement.

Samsung C&T said its trading arm will also gradually exit from all coal-related businesses once its existing contracts terminate, while seeking to expand its business into LNG and renewables. The company will completely withdraw from the Gangneung project after selling all of its 29% stake, which it can do it three years after commercial operations begin in end-2023.

“It is quite disappointing that the company’s not giving up on its ongoing projects, including Vung Ang 2,” Lee Jieon, a climate and energy coordinator at Korea Federation for Environmental Movements, said by phone. “Still, it is worth noting that the pledge came from a major construction company in South Korea, which may set an example for other non-financial firms in the country.”
