지속가능개발을 앞당기기 위한 지난 10 년간의 촉진과 변화시키는 과정, 행동, 실천, 그리고 코로나-19 긴급현안 대응
“Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development” and the current concerns regarding “COVID-19”
오는 7월 7-16일로 예정된 고위급정치포럼(HLPF 2020) 및 7월 14-16일 고위급분과토론(HLS 2020)를 앞두고, 위 주제에 대해 유엔 경제사회이사회에 경실련의 입장을 아래와 같이 각각 전달하였습니다.
200426 [Written Statement] by CCEJ, A New Vision for the Future in Our Society
200427 [Oral Statement] Remarks by CCEJ, Stop it!—the Methods of an Infodemic
【HLPF 2020 서면 성명】
Written Statement
ECOSOC High-Level Segment & Political Forum in 2020
A New Vision for the Future in Our Society
Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice [i]
Republic of Korea
April 26, 2020
The last year fell on our 30th Anniversary, and we looked back on our historic movements over the last decades. Of significant importance to democratic and socioeconomic transformation with sustainable development in Korean society, have been three key factors: (a) Housing Price Reform: the alleviation of housing bubbles between stated value and real price; (b) Chaebol Reform: the breakup of the corporatocratic structure; and (c) Manifesto Movement by monitoring the governmental activities and evaluating their performance. These are really something many Koreans thought we’re supposed to do.
However, nothing has changed. In retrospect, the last 10 years saw political tensions and upheavals successively in our society. Such a radical change in all the state affairs of security, diplomacy, economy, society and industry, etc. has been bringing about a new order and related problems—such as the “False” industrial revolution—that cannot be resolved by traditional theories any longer and that cannot help being a real challenge for us to achieve sustainable development and economic justice. Such a road-to-Damascus conversion—“Digital” conversion—was dashed by big business and governments that maintained the status quo in the population aging and decline, in low growth and polarization, more and more. And such a socioeconomic inequality becomes fixed now, and forever. For unless we break it through this status quo, we won’t survive any longer.
Now then, we suggest you set a new vision for the future in our society on the ground of our empiricism, a new mission statement that is fixed to achieve the following six goals including twenty-two detailed targets (with over ninety methods):
A. Fair Economy
A-1. Establish a fair market with economic orders (six methods);
A-2. Promote innovation for inclusive growth (nine methods);
A-3. Earn economic esteem on decent work (four methods);
A-4. Reestablish the governmental role to realize a fair economy (four methods).
B. Social Justice
B-1. Eradicate windfall profits out of the housing speculation (three methods);
B-2. Establish justice and taxation (three methods);
B-3. Reform structural corruption (three methods).
C. Community Well-being
C-1. Secure social welfare based on the full-scale budget and fiscal soundness (three methods);
C-2. Reinforce housing welfare (three methods).
D. Social Inclusion
D-1. Do technological innovation for the human being (seven methods);
D-2. Close the socioeconomic achievement gap in education (four methods);
D-3. Realize the society without hate and discrimination (three methods);
D-4. Narrow the development gap between local areas (three methods).
E. Democratic Communitarianism
E-1. Reform politics and the judiciary (five methods);
E-2. Reform the government (two methods);
E-3. Strengthen local autonomy with decentralization (five methods);
E-4. Strengthen CSO partnership with citizen participation (Drafts).
F. Community Peace-building
F-1. Develop sustainable inter-Korean relations, denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and build peace regimes (six methods);
F-2. Building a new system of peaceful coöperation in Northeast Asia (six methods);
F-3. Toughen safeguards system (seven methods);
F-4. Cope with disasters, climate change and environmental destruction (two methods);
F-5. Protect food security and sustainable agriculture (three methods).
【HLS 2020 구두 성명】
Oral Statement
ECOSOC High-Level Segment & Political Forum in 2020
Stop it!—the Methods of an Infodemic
Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice [i]
Republic of Korea
April 27, 2020
“A moldering stone façade is still lépreuse.” Have you ever heard this word? That meant, nothing is more punitive than to give a disease a meaning. Any important disease, COVID-19, whose causality is murky, without hope, without despair, and for which treatment is ineffectual, tends to be awash in significance. The one thing, the subjects of deepest dread—corruption, decay, pollution, anomie, weakness—could come over to us as an infodemic crisis. The infodemic itself might be another pandemic. In the name of “witch-hunting,” that horror but terror with prejudice and discrimination would be imposed on other people. This disease become[-s] witch-hunting, ugly-disgusting stigmatization. “It’s said to be an Adjectival disease-like,” Susan Sontag said.
In this regard, the cardinal fact upon witch-hunting with the whole blame of mass is that this stigmatization is the nature of an infodemic on today’s crisis—Jesus Christ!
So, out of the crisis, WE are NOT fighting with Asian “foes” whom we are to thrash and overcome and vanquish and punish, and then abandon them. They are to be our neighbors—NAY, they are to be our fellow-citizens. Whatever be their faults, whatever be their incidents or coincidences then and now against us, if we are to stay in our hometown at all, they also will be here; and not only so, but they are indistinguishable from the great majority of our citizens around the world.
Now anyone who rightly appreciates these facts, what will they said are to be our public enemies in the pandemic crisis which we have undertaken in Wuhan nor our hometown?
The first ought to be to impose upon our Asianphobes without racial prejudice and any discrimination. But the second is to impress upon them our ultimate and essential friendliness towards them.
All the best. Thank you for all the medical teams.
[i] Both statements were contributed by Hochul M. Jung (hcjung@ccej.or.kr) to the United Nations Economic and Social Council for discussion in the 2020 High-Level Segment (HLS) and Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development and with respect to the theme: “Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development.” The written statement referred to the CCEJ’s visionary statement for Korean society from 2020 to 2030. And the particular theme: the current concerns about COVID-19. You can see this information: http://sdg.iisd.org/news/hlpf-2020-to-focus-on-accelerated-action-transformative-pathways/
If you need more information:
■ Please, visit us: http://ccej.or.kr/eng/who-we-are/about-us/;
■ Refer to our Achievements (RLA, 2003): http://www.rightlivelihoodaward.org/laureates/citizens-coalition-for-economic-justice-ccej/
기타 위 행사와 관련된 정보는 다음의 링크를 직접 참조하시면 확인할 수 있습니다.
200426 [Written Statement] by CCEJ, A New Vision for the Future in Our Society
200427 [Oral Statement] Remarks by CCEJ, Stop it!—the Methods of an Infodemic