
국제 평화단체, 한반도⋅동북아 위기에 대한 외교적 해결 촉구

퍼그워시 회의 등 전세계 110개 평화단체, 무력사용 반대 입장 담은 서한을

미국과 북한 등 주요국가들에 전달


보도자료 [원문보기/다운로드]


전 세계의 110개 평화단체들과 146인의 평화운동가들은 당면한 동북아와 한반도 위기에 대해 무력 사용을 반대하고 외교적 해결을 촉구하였습니다. 전 세계 평화와 군축을 위해 활동하는 이들은 이번 서한을 통해 지금의 위기가 오판과 우연에 의해 핵전쟁으로까지 비화된다면 전 세계는 핵참화를 피하기 어려울 것이라고 우려하며 △선제적 무력 사용 반대, △도발적인 군사연습 중단, △동북아비핵지대안 검토, △한국전쟁 종전, △6자회담 재개, △유럽연합의 외교적 협상 지원 환영, △외교적 해결 우선 등 7개 요구사항을 제시하였습니다.


이들은 이러한 입장을 담은 서한을 지난 9월 7일 남⋅북⋅미⋅중⋅러⋅일 등 6개국 대통령(또는 수상)과 유엔주재 대표, 유엔안보리 회원국, 안토니오 구테레스 유엔 사무총장 그리고 페데리카 모게리니 유럽연합 외교안보 고위대표에게 보냈다고 밝혔습니다. 


이번 공동서한에는 퍼그워시 회의(Pugwash Conference), Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament(영국), Coalition for Peace Action(미국), 원수폭금지협의회(일본), 참여연대(한국) 등 전세계 24개국에서 활동하는 평화단체들과 1976년 노벨평화상 수상자인 메어리드 코리건 매과이어(Mairead Corrigan Maguire)를 비롯한 대표적 평화운동가들이 함께 하였습니다. 


* 전체 연명단체, 서명자 명단은 영문서한 하단에 있습니다. 



▣ 공동서한 국문


동북아 상황의 외교적 해결을 호소합니다


전 세계에서 평화와 군축을 위해 활동하는 ‘어볼리션(Abolition) 2000’의 회원단체들을 대신하여 미국과 북한에 동북아가 직면하고 있는 전쟁 직전의 상황에서 한 걸음 물러나, 대신 전쟁을 막기 위한 외교적 접근법을 택하라고 촉구합니다. 


우리는 군사 갈등이 발발하는 것을 막고 나아가 근본적인 갈등을 해결하기 위해 즉시 협상에 나설 것을 요구합니다. 그러한 협상은 양자 간은 물론 중국, 일본, 북한, 러시아, 한국, 미국을 포함하는 새로운 6자회담 틀을 통해 이뤄져야 합니다. 


북한의 핵‧미사일 능력을 두고 고조되는 긴장과 군사 갈등 위협은 외교적 해법이야말로 필수적이며 최우선임을 다시금 일깨워줍니다. 전쟁 위기가 높아지고 오판과 우연, 또는 의도에 의해 핵무기가 사용될 수도 있다는 사실은 매우 끔찍한 일입니다. 


1950년에서 1953년까지 이어진 한국전쟁에서 목숨을 잃은 사람들의 수는 남북, 중국, 미국 등 다 합해 총 300만 명을 넘습니다. 만일 전쟁이 다시 발발한다면, 특히 핵무기가 사용된다면 사망자 수는 훨씬 더 많을 것입니다. 한반도에서 발발하는 핵전쟁은 핵 참사로 전 세계를 집어 삼킬 것이며 이는 우리 모두가 알듯이 문명의 종말을 가져올 것입니다. 


전쟁보다 외교적 해법을 지지하며, 우리는 다음과 같이 요구합니다.

  1. 우리는 그 어느 측의 선제적 무력 사용에도 반대합니다. 이는 역효과를 낳을 것이며 상황을 핵전쟁으로 이끌 것입니다. 
  2. 우리는 모든 측에 군국주의적 수사와 도발적인 군사 연습을 그만두기를 촉구합니다. 
  3. 우리는 중국, 일본, 북한, 러시아, 한국, 미국이 3+3 방식의 동북아 비핵지대 수립을 위한 단계적이고 포괄적인 접근법을 검토하기를 권합니다. 이는 일본과 한국에서 두 개 이상의 정당의 지지를 받고 있으며 북한 정부도 관심을 가지고 있습니다. 
  4. 우리는 중국, 일본, 북한, 러시아, 한국 그리고 미국이 또한 한국전쟁(1950-1953)을 공식적으로 끝내도록 1953년 정전협정을 전환하기 위한 가능한 옵션과 양식을 고려할 것을 권합니다. 
  5. 우리는 6자회담을 재개하라는 유엔 사무총장의 요구와, 협상을 지원하겠다는 그의 제안을 환영합니다. 
  6. 우리는 이란 핵 프로그램 협상을 성공적으로 이끌었던 것처럼 외교적 협상을 지원하겠다는 유럽연합(EU)의 제안 역시 환영합니다. 
  7. 우리는 유엔 안전보장이사회에 갈등에 대한 외교적 해결을 우선시할 것을 요구합니다. 


* 3+3 틀은 일본, 한국, 북한이 핵무기를 보유하거나 반입하지 않고, 중국과 러시아, 미국이 일본, 한국, 북한에 핵무기를 배치하지도, 이들을 핵무기로 공격하겠다고 위협하지도 않을 것을 요구합니다. 




▣ 공동서한 영문


Appeal for a diplomatic solution in North East Asia


The Abolition 2000 members and affiliated networks listed below, representing peace and disarmament organisations from around the world, call on the United States and North Korea to step back from the brink of war in North East Asia, and instead adopt a diplomatic approach to prevent war. 
We call for the immediate commencement of negotiations to prevent a military conflict from erupting, and to resolve the underlying conflicts. Such negotiations should take place both bilaterally and through a renewed Six-Party framework involving China, Japan, North Korea, Russia, South Korea and the United States.
The escalating tensions and threat of military conflict over North Korea's nuclear and missile capabilities makes a diplomatic solution of vital importance and the highest priority. The increasing risk of war - and possibly even the use of nuclear weapons by miscalculation, accident, or intent - is frightening. 
More than three million citizens of Korea, China, USA and other countries lost their lives in the Korean War from 1950-1953. Should a war erupt again, the loss of lives could be considerably worse, especially if nuclear weapons are used. Indeed, a nuclear conflict erupting in Korea could engulf the entire world in a nuclear catastrophe that would end civilization as we know it.
In supporting diplomacy rather than war, we:

  1. Oppose any pre-emptive use of force by any of the parties, which would be counter-productive and likely lead to nuclear war;
  2. Call on all parties to refrain from militaristic rhetoric and provocative military exercises; 
  3. Encourage China, Japan, North Korea, Russia, South Korea and the United States to consider the phased and comprehensive approach for a North-East Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone with a 3+3 arrangement*, which already has cross-party support in Japan and South Korea and interest from the North Korean government;
  4. Encourage China, Japan, North Korea, Russia, South Korea and the United States to also consider options and modalities for turning the 1953 Armistice Agreement into a formal end to the 1950-1953 Korean War;
  5. Welcome the call of the UN Secretary-General for a resumption of Six-Party talks and his offer to assist in negotiations;
  6. Welcome also the offer of the European Union to assist in diplomatic negotiations, as they did successfully in the negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program;
  7. Call on the United Nations Security Council to prioritise a diplomatic solution to the conflict

* The 3+3 arrangement would include Japan, South Korea and North Korea agreeing not to possess or host nuclear weapons, and would require China, Russia and the USA agreeing not to deploy nuclear weapons in Japan, South Korea or North Korea, nor to attack or threaten to attack them with nuclear weapons. 
Endorsers of the Appeal for a diplomatic solution in North East Asia:
Abolition 2000 UK (UK)
Albert Schweitzer Institute (USA)
All Souls Nuclear Disarmament Task Force (USA)
Anglican Pacifist Fellowship of New Zealand (NZ)
Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace (New Zealand)
Artistes pour la Paix (Canada)
Artsen voor Vrede - Flemish IPPNW (Belgium)
Association Des Medecins Francais Pour La Prevention de la
Guerre Nucleaire - IPPNW France (France)
Association of World Citizens (Germany)
The ATOM Project (Kazakhstan)
Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition (Australia)
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America (USA)
Basel Peace Office (Switzerland, International)
Beyond Nuclear (USA, International)
Blue Banner (Mongolia)
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – CND (UK)
Canadian Pugwash Group (Canada)
CND New Zealand (New Zealand)
CND Scotland (Scotland)
Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
Coalition for Peace Action, New Jersey (USA)
Coalition for Peace Action, Pennsylvania (USA)
Colorado Coalition for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Committee of 100 (Finland)
Connecticut Peace and Solidarity Coalition (USA)
Cymru Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Wales)
Denman Island Peace Group (Canada)
DPRK Friendship and Cultural Society (Australia)
Earth Action (USA, International)
Earthcare not Warfare (USA)
Economists for Peace and Security (USA)
Edinburgh Peace & Justice Centre (Scotland)
Edinburgh CND (Scotland)
Environmentalists Against War (USA)
European Environment Foundation (Switzerland)
Frauen für den Frieden – Women for Peace (Switzerland)
Gandhi Development Trust (South Africa)
Gensuikyo - Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Japan)
Grandmothers for Peace (USA, International)
Green Party of Washington State (USA)
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (USA)
Harrison fellowship of Reconciliation (USA)
Hokotehi Moriori Trust (Rekohu, Chatham Islands)
Human Survival Project (Australia, International)
IALANA (International Association of Lawyers Against
Nuclear Arms) Italy Section (Italy)
IALANA Germany – Vereinigung für Friedensrecht
International Fellowship of Reconciliation - Austria
IPPNW Germany
Iona Community (Scotland)
Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Ireland)
Japan Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Ke Aupuni O Hawaii (The Hawaiian Kingdom) (Hawaii)
Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy (USA)
Leo Club of Sunflower Saidpur City (Bangladesh)
Mankato Area Peace vigil (USA)
Medact (IPPNW UK) Nuclear Weapons Group (UK)
Le Mouvement de la Paix (France)
Network of Spiritual Progressives (USA)
Nobel Peace Prize Watch (Norway)
Norges Fredslag - Norwegian Peace Society (Norway)
Norwegian Peace Council (Norway)
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (USA)
Nuclear Free Local Authorities (UK)
NZ DPRK Society (New Zealand)
One People One Planet (New Zealand)
Oxford Network for Global Justice and Peace (UK)
Pacific Institute of Resource Management (NZ)
Pax Christi International (Belgium, international)
Pax Christi Metro New York (USA)
Peace Action Manhattan (USA)
Peace Action NY State (USA)
Peace Depot (Japan)
Peace Foundation – Te Taupapa Rongomau o Aotearoa (NZ)
Peace People (Northern Ireland)
Peace Union of Finland (Finland)
Peaceworkers (USA)
People for Nuclear Disarmament (Australia)
Peoples Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (Republic ofKorea)
Phoenix Settlement Trust (South Africa)
Physicians for Social Responsibility/IPPNW (Switzerland)
Portland Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA)
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (Italy, International)
Quaker Peace and Service Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ)
Religions for Peace (USA, International)
Religions for Peace Canada (Canada)
Rideau Institute (Canada)
Scientists for Global Responsibility (Australia)
Shining Bangladesh Foundation (Bangladesh)
Soka Gakkai International New Zealand (NZ)
STOP the War Coalition (Philippines)
Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation (Sweden)
Swedish IALANA (Sweden)
Swiss Lawyers for Nuclear Disarmament (Switzerland)
Trident Ploughshares (UK)
Tri-Valley CAREs (USA)
United Religions Initiative (USA)
Uniting for Peace (UK)
Forum voor Vredesactie - Peace Action (Belgium)
Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (USA)
Western States Legal Foundation (USA)
Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA)
Women for Peace Germany (Germany)
WILPF (Women’s International League for Peace and
Freedom) German Section (Germany)
WILPF Scottish Section (Scotland)
Seattle Fellowship of Reconciliation (USA)
World Beyond War (USA, International)
World Future Council (Germany, International)
Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
Youth for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament
(Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka).
Zone Libre (Mexico)
(Titles and organization names included for identification purposes)
Junko Abe (Japan)
Mostafiz Ahmed (Bangladesh). President, Leo Club of Sunflower Saidpur City
Nur E Alam (Bangladesh). Youth NND Group
Giorgio Alba (Italy). Abolition 2000 Global Council
Paul Alexander, Ph.D. (UK). Visiting Scholar, College of Arts and Law. University of Birmingham
John Amidon (USA). President, Veterans fr Peace, Chapter 10
Jean Anderson (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
Irshad Ansari (Nepal). Youth NND Group
Carol Archer (UK). Peace activist
M.K. Bashar Bahar (Bangladesh). Chairman, BSB Cambrian Education Group.
Nivy Balachandran (Australia). Religions for Peace Regional Coordinator, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
Patti Bass (USA)
David Barrows (USA)
Rev. Kathleen Bellefeuille-Rice (USA)
Dr. Terry Bergeson (USA). Former WA State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Phon van den Biesen (Netherlands). Vice-President, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Ranjit Bhagat (Nepal). Youth NND Group
Cr David Blackburn (UK), Nuclear Free Local Authorities English Forum Chair, Leeds City Council
Dr Frank Boulton (UK). Trustee of MEDACT, the UK affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)
Francis Anthony Boyle (USA). Professor of international law, University of Illinois College of Law
Dr Derman Boztok MD (Turkey). President of IPPNW Turkey
Dr Adam Broinowski (Australia). Research Fellow, College of Asia and the Pacific. Australian National University
Allen Brubaker (USA). Former development worker in Somalia and member of the Mennonite Board of Missions
Mark & Margaret Bubenik (USA). Members of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action
Shawkat Chowdhury MP (Bangladesh)
Rob Clarke (Aotearoa/New Zealand). Special Officer for Education, United Nations Association of New Zealand
Prof. Ana María Cetto (Mexico). Director, Museum of Light, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Peter von Christierson (USA)
Brenda Clowes (USA). Couples Counsellor
Harriett Cody (USA)
Betsy Collins (USA)
Dr Tony Colman (UK) World Future Councillor
Phyllis Creighton (Canada), Science for Peace
Tarja Cronberg (Finland), Chair of the Middle Powers
Initiative. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Cr Feargal Dalton (UK), Nuclear Free Local Authorities Scotland Forum Convener, Glasgow City Council
Rev. John Dear (USA). Author and activist
Cr Mark Dearey (UK), Nuclear Free Local Authorities All Ireland Forum Co-Chair, Louth County Council
Dr. Dieter Deiseroth (Germany). Academic Council, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
William H. Dent, Jr. (USA)
Dr Kate Dewes (Aotearoa/New Zealand). Co-Director, Disarmament and Security Centre
Akib Dipu (Bangladesh). Youth NND Group
Sergio Duarte (Brazil). President of Pugwash Conferences on
Science and World Affairs. Former UN Under-Secretary General for Disarmament Affairs.
Leonard Eiger (USA). Coordinator, NO to NEW TRIDENT Campaign
Cheryl Eiger (USA). Member, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action
Dr Scilla Elworthy (UK). Founder, Oxford Research Group and of Peace Direct. Councillor, World Future Council
Andreas Emerson-Moering (UK). Head of Religious Studies,
Norwich High School, UK
Edwin G. Ehmke (USA)
Anwar Fazal (Malaysia). Director of the Right Livelihood College. Right Livelihood Laureate, 1982
Rosemary Field (UK). Medact - IPPNW UK section.
Anda Filip (Romania/Switzerland). Member of the World Future Council
Cr Grace Fletcher-Hackwood (UK), Nuclear Free Local Authorities English Forum Vice Chair, Manchester City Council
Dr. Royston Flude (Switzerland). President, World Circle of the Consensus: Self-sustaining People, Organizations and Communities
Dr. Frank A. Fromherz (USA). Professor of sociology of religion, war, peace, and social justice, Portland State University, Oregon
Ela Gandhi (South Africa). Vice-President, Religions for Peace 
Prof Emilie Gaillard (France). Law professor at University of
Caen Normandy. IALANA Board member
Roger Gordon (USA). Retired psychotherapist Commander (ret.)

Robert Green (Aotearoa/New Zealand). Co-Director, Disarmament and Security Centre
Robin Greenberg (Aotearoa/New Zealand). Filmmaker & conflict resolution practitioner
Daniel Gingras (Canada). Former president of Artistes pour la Paix. Member of la Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal
Chris Gwyntopher (UK). Refugee and Migrants Advice Worker. Member of FOR, Religious Society of Friends, Trident Ploughshares and CND.
Gwyn Gwyntopher (UK). Retired Social Workers and Lecturer. Member of FOR, Religious Society of Friends, Trident Ploughshares and CND.
Regina Hagen (Germany). Atomwaffenfrei Jetz (NuclearWeapons-Free Now) Campaign Council member. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member 
David C Hall MD (USA). Past president, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Rev. Anne S. Hall (USA). Retired Lutheran pastor (ELCA), member of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action and Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility.
John Hallam (Australia), People for Nuclear Disarmament. Human Survival Project. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Michael Hamel-Green (Australia). Emeritus Professor, Victoria University Melbourne
Mary Hanson (USA), Co-chair, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action Stewardship Council
Stephen A. Harrison (USA). Lawyer. Member of Peace Action
Thea Harvey-Barratt (USA). Executive Director, Economists for Peace and Security
M.A, Hasan (Bangladesh). Chairman, Aristopharma Ltd.
Aminul Haque (Bangladesh). Youth NND Group
Elaine Hickman (USA). Member of Ground Zero Center for Non-Violent Action
Ronja Ievers (New Zealand), National Administrator United Nations Association of New Zealand
S.M. Imtiaz Alam (Bangladesh). Youth NND Group
Yaeka Inoue (Japan). JALANA
Chand Babu Iraki (Nepal) Youth NND Group
Mehboob Babu Iraki (Nepal). Youth NND Group
Moinul Islam (Bangladesh). Youth NND Group
Mokhlasur Islam (Bangladesh). Principal, Sunflower School & College, Saidpur.
David T. Ives (USA). Executive Director of the Albert
Schweitzer Institute. Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Philosophy, and Latin American Culture
Frank Jackson (UK). Abolition 2000 UK Committee
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan (Mongolia), Blue Banner
Bishakha Jha (Nepal). Youth NND Group
Birgitta Jonsdottir MP (Iceland). Parliamentarian. Poet. Member, Pirate Party. PNND Council Member. Chair of the International Modern Media institute.
Senator Sehar Kamran (Pakistan). Member Senate of
Pakistan Standing Committees on Defence, Human Rights & Federal Education. President Centre for Pakistan & Gulf Studies 
Akira KASAI (Japan). Member of the House of Representatives
Richard Keller (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black (Australia)
Naimul Haque Khan (Bangladesh). Director, Lubnan Trade Consortium Ltd.
Bill Kidd MSP (Scotland). Co-President of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Maruf Zaman Koyel (Bangladesh). President, Nilphamari Chamber of Commerce & Industries.
Kristi (Canada). Peace campaigner from Edmonton
Raffaella Kristmann (Switzerland). Frauen für den Frieden, Basel
Stephen Vincent Kobasa (USA), Trident Resistance Network
Prof. Rolf Kreibich (Germany). Secretariat for Future Research, Freie University Berlin. Member of the World Future Council
David Krieger (USA). President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Dennis Kucinich (USA). Former Congressman and Mayor of Cleveland Ohio
Prof. Elizabeth Kucinich (USA). Regenerative Agriculture & Agroforestry Advocate
Barry Ladendorf (USA). President, Veterans For Peace
Dominique Lalanne (France). Nuclear physicist. Coordinator of Armes nucléaires STOP. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Jean-Yvon Landrac (France). Abolition 2000 Global Council member
Sarah Lasenby (UK). Oxford Quaker
Nydia Leaf (USA). Member of Granny Peace Brigade
Cr Sue Lent (UK), Nuclear Free Local Authorities Welsh Forum, Cardiff City Council
Rabbi Michael Lerner (USA). Editor, Tikkun Magazine
Joyce Leeson (UK) Public Health Physician
Andrew Lichterman (USA). Western States Legal Foundation. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Dr David Lowry (UK). Former director, European Proliferation Information Centre (EPIC)
Tim Lynch (New Zealand). Our Planet
Lachlan Mackay (New Zealand), Parliament of the World’s Religions Youth Ambassador. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Dirk Van der Maelen MP (Belgium). Chairman Commission for Foreign Affairs, Belgian Parliament
Mairead Corrigan Maguire (Ireland). Nobel Peace Laureate 1976
Muna Makhamreh (Jordan). Lawyer. Board director of "MASAR" for Human Development. PNND Coordinator for Arab Countries.
Jean-Marie Matagne (France). Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member 
Prof. Manfred Max-Neef (Chile). Universidad Austral de Chile. Member of the World Future Council
Fabio Marcelli (Italy). Association of Democratic Lawyers. Board Member of IALANA
Joanie McClellan (USA). Fellowship of Reconciliation
Cr Norman McDonald (UK), Nuclear Free Local Authorities Steering Committee Vice Chair, Western Isles Council
Nancy McGill (USA). Journalist
R. Michael Medley, Ph.D. (USA). Professor Emeritus of English, Eastern Mennonite University
Dr Philip Michael (Ireland). Past VP (Europe) International Society of Doctors for the Environment
Patricia A. Milliren (USA)
Mokhsedul Momenin (Bangladesh). Union Chairman
LeRoy Moore PhD, (USA). Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
John Morgan (New Zealand). Special Officer for Human Rights, UNA New Zealand
Sean Morris (UK). Secretary (Principal Policy Officer), Nuclear Free Local Authorities.
Prof. Keiko Nakamura (Japan). Research Center for Nuclear Abolition at Nagasaki University (RECNA)
Kara Nelson (NZ). 97-year old peace marcher
Alan Newberg (USA)
Ian Newman (Australia). Biophysicist 
Roland Nivet (France). Spokesman, Le Mouvement de la Paix
Jan Oberg (Sweden) Co-founder & director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research
Kenichi Okubo (Japan). JALANA
Sister Kay O’Neil (USA). Presentation Sisters Social Justice Team, Minnesota
Dr Kirsten Osen (Norway). Member Norske leger motatomvåpen – IPPNW Norway
John Otranto (Germany)
Rev. LeDayne McLeese Polaski (USA). Executive Director, Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Rosemarie Pace (USA). Director of Pax Christi Metro NY
Mary Jane Parrine (USA). Stanford University. Pacific Life Community.
Lorin Peters (USA). Physics teacher. Daughter of a Manhattan Project scientist.
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek (UK). Psychiatrist. Journalist. Member of Medact, UK section of IPPNW
Prof Pasquale Policastro (Poland), Law Professor. Board Member of IALANA
Mary Popeo (USA). Peace Culture Village 
Judi Poulson (USA)
Montserrat Prieto (Spain). Mundo sin Guerres – World without War or Violence. Abolition 2000 Global Council
Michael and Patricia Pulham (UK). Christian CND 
Mukund Purohit (India)
Eva Quistorp (Germany), Women for Peace
Rezaul Islam Raju (Bangladesh). Principal, Lions School & College, Saidpur
M. V. Ramana (Canada), Liu Institute for Global Issues. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Tanja Ranke (Germany)
Hemamali Yasintha Rathnayake (Sri Lanka). Youth NND Group
Prof Nasila Selasini Rembe (South Africa). UNESCO ‘Oliver Tambo’ Chair of Human Rights, University of Fort Hare
Reetika (India). Youth NND Group
Nasim Reza (Bangladesh). Youth NND Group
Laurie Ross (Aotearoa-New Zealand). New Zealand/Aotearoa Nuclear Free Peacemaking
Philippa Rowland (Australia). President, Multi-faith Association of South Australia
Audrey van Ryn (Aotearoa-New Zealand)
Harvey Sadis (USA)
Steve Saelzler (USA). Veterans for Peace Chapter 74
Sadman Sakib (Bangladesh). Youth NND Group
Richard Salvador (Belau/Palau). Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Rahanuma Saraha (Bangladesh) Youth NND Group
Amzad Hossain Sarkar (Bangladesh). Mayor of Saidpur
Takeya Sasaki (Japan). JALANA
A.H.M. Sazzad (Bangladesh). Youth NND Group
Jürgen Scheffran (Germany). Abolition 2000 Global Council
Wolfgang Schlupp-Hauck (Germany). Chairman, Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen.
Sister Gladys Schmitz (USA). Mankato Peace vigil.
Suzanne Schwarz (Switzerland), Journalist. Member Frauen für den Frieden Schweiz
Sukla Sen (India), Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
John and Mary Sevanick (USA)
Elizabeth J. Shafer J.D (USA). Board member of Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy
Janet Siano (USA)
Benjamin H Sibelman (USA)
Helen Simpson (UK). Entrepreneur. Wholestep Ltd.
Ivo Šlaus (Croatia). Physicist. Honorary President of the World Academy of Art and Science.
Gar Smith (USA). Co-founder of EAW, author of Nuclear Roulette and editor of The War and Environment Reader
Maui Solomon (Rekohu, Chatham Islands, NZ). Barrister. Chairman, Hokotehi Moriori Trust
Gray Southon (New Zealand) 

Rae Street (UK). Greater Manchester & District CND
Noel Stott (South Africa, UK). VERTIC
Shigemasa Sugiyama (Japan). JALANA
Lornita R. Swain (USA). Fellowship of Reconciliation
Alamgir Swapan (Bangladesh). Reporter, Somoy News.
Bishop Bill Swing (USA). United Religions Initiative 
Kyoko Tanaka (Japan). JALANA
Prof. Armin Tenner (Netherlands). Former Chair, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Social Responsibility
Aaron Tovish (Mexico). Executive Director, Zone Libre
Cr John Trainor (UK), Nuclear Free Local Authorities All Ireland Forum Co-Chair, Newry, Mourne and Down Council.
Brian Trautman (USA). Treasurer, National Board of Directors, Veterans For Peace
Cr Stephen Tollestrup (New Zealand). Member of the Auckland City Council, Waitakere Ranges Local Board.
Diane Turner (USA). Director, Meaningful Movies Project 
Hiromichi Umebayashi (Japan). Special Advisor, Peace Depot.
Yasuo Umeda (Japan). JALANA
Prof Kenji Urata (Japan). Waseda University School of Law.
Board Member of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Corazon Valdez Fabros (Philippines) Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Jo Valentine (Australia). Former senator for Western Australia. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Mrinal Verma (India). Abolition 2000 Youth Working Group 
Thore Vestby (Norway). Vice-President, Mayors for Peace.
Gordana Vukomanovic (Serbia). Yugo sport & Art Association 
Paul F. Walker, Ph.D. (USA). International Program Director, Green Cross International
Jimi Wallace (New Zealand). Soka Gakkai International NZ
Alyn Ware (New Zealand/Czech Republic). Abolition 2000 Global Council Member.
Barbara H Warren, MD, MPH (USA). Physicians for Social Responsibility, Arizona
Brian E. Watson (USA). Artist
Dave Webb (UK). Chair, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Member, Abolition 2000 Global Council
Anders Wijkman (Sweden), Co-President of the Club of Rome, Member of the World Future Council
Lucas Wirl (Germany). International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms. Abolition 2000 Global Council.
Lawrence S. Wittner, Ph.D. (USA). Professor of History
Yoji Yahagi (Japan). JALANA
Daisuke Yamaguchi (Japan). PNND Japan Coordinator. Member of the Abolition 2000 Global Council
Dr Ichiro Yuasa (Japan). Vice-President of Peace Depot
Mounir Zahran (Egypt). Egypt Council for Foreign Affairs. Abolition 2000 Global Council Member
Luis Roberto Zamora Bolaños (Costa Rica). Lawyer. Board Member of International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Angie Zelter (UK). Trident Ploughshares. Right Livelihood Laureate 2001