Joint NGO Submission to the 28th Session of the Universal Periodic Review on the Republic of Korea 

(28 March 2017, Seoul) 77 South Korean NGOs made a joint submission for the 3rd Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on the Republic of Korea, which is scheduled on November 2017.

The joint submission includes detailed information on the overall human rights situation in the Republic of Korea since its last review in 2012. The submission covers civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, as well as women and minority issues in the country. NGOs pointed out that recommendations such as enacting a comprehensive anti-discrimination law, abolish death penalty, introduce alternative services for conscientious objectors, guaranteeing independence of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea are repeatedly made by the UN to South Korean government, but these have not been implemented yet, nor efforts were made.


77 NGOs will continue their lobby activities in Seoul as well as in Geneva by actively addressing human rights situation of South Korea to international society. Also, NGO delegations will attend NGO pre-session and UPR working group session in Geneva. 


Joint NGO Submission  



List of 77 members of the South Korean NGOs Coalition for the 3rd UPR:  


Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL), Catholic Human Rights Committee, Certified Public Labor Attorney's for Labor Human Rights, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation, Immigrants Advocacy Center GAMDONG, International Child Rights Center, Joint Committee with Migrants in Korea(16 organisations: Asan Foreign Worker's Center, Bucheon Migrant Welfare Center, Chungbuk Migrant Support Center, Global Love and Sharing, Incheon Migrant Worker's Center, Migrant Health Association in Korea We_Friends, Namyangju Migrant Welfare Center, Paju Migrant Worker Center Shalom House, Pocheon Nanum House, Seoul Migrant Workers Center, Solidarity for Asian Human Rights and Culture, The Association Migrant Workers Human Rights, Uijeongbu EXODUS Migrant Center, Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea, Yongin Migrant Worker Shelter, Yongsan Nanum House), Korea TransNational Corporations Watch (6 organisations: Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL), Corporate for All, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Korean House for International Solidarity, Korean Lawyers for Public Interest and Human Rights), Korea Women's Hot Line, Korea Women's Political Solidarity, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Korean House for International Solidarity, Korean Lawyers for Public Interest and Human Rights, Korean Progressive Network Jinbonet, Korean Refugee Rights Network (9 organisations: Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL), GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation, NANCEN (Center for Refugee Rights in South Korea), Save the Children Korea, EcoFemme, Immigrants Advocacy Center GAMDONG, Dongcheon Foundation, MAP Migration to Asia Peace, Human Asia), Korean Women Workers Association, Korean Women's Association United, MINBYUN-Lawyers for a Democratic Society, NHRCK-Watch, Organization Unwed Moms Changing the Future, People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, Rainbow Action against Sexual Minority Discrimination(27 organisations: Chingusai – Korean Gay Men’s Human Rights Group, Christian Solidarity for a World without Discrimination (Chasegiyeon), Daegu Queer Culture Festival, Daejeon LGBTQ Human Rights Group Solongos, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation, Gruteogi : 30+ Lesbian Community group, Korea Queer Culture Festival Organizing Committee, Korean Lawyers for Public Interest and Human Rights (KLPH), Korean Sexual-Minority Culture and Rights Center (KSCRC), Labor Party Sexual Politics Committee, Minority Rights Committee of the Green Party, Lesbian Counseling Center in South Korea, Lesbian Human Rights Group ‘Byunnal’ of Ewha Womans University, Lezpa : The Korean lesbian community radio group, LGBTQ Youth Crisis Support Center : DDing Dong Network for Global Activism, QUV: Korean LGBTQ University Student Alliance, Rainbow Solidarity for LGBT Human Rights of Daegu, Sexual Minority Committee of the Justice Party, Sinnaneun Center: LGBT Culture, Arts & Human Rights Center, Social and Labor Committee of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, Solidarity for HIV/AIDS Human Rights: Nanuri+, Solidarity for LGBT Human Rights of Korea, Pinks: Solidarity for Sexually Minor Cultures & Human Rights, The Korean Society of Law and Policy on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Unni network, Yeohaengja: Gender non-conforming people's community), South Korean NGOs Coalition for Law Enforcement Watch (6 organisations: Catholic Human Rights Committee, Dasan Human Rights Center, Democratic Legal Studies Association, Human Rights Movement Space 'Hwal', Korean Lawyers for Public Interest and Human Rights, Sarangbang Group for Human Rights), Supporters Health And Right of People in Semiconductor Industry, World Without War